The City

November 22, 19.07 hrs.
✦ This photographic series explores the dark beauty of corporate buildings’ interiors, vacant at night. With subtly voyeuristic angles trespassing the glass exteriors, the camera portrays the silent interiors as characters of a film noir. Amidst the constant rumbling noise of the always-on HVAC systems, the other nature of these spaces is revealed, starkly different than the publicly portrayed one. The high-energy, over-driven workplaces are now apparently calm, yet seemingly realeasing a constant tension. They don’t sleep. The safety lights are on, aiding the security cameras, and the mechanical stillness of the spaces emerges in its entirety as a memento of corporate power.
This project inspired the work on Playgrounds and Toys.
- Royal College of Art,
- 2008

November 22, 19.34 hrs.

November 22, 20.08 hrs.

November 23, 21.48 hrs.

November 23, 20.27 hrs

November 23, 21.03 hrs